bountyblok’s 2-Year Anniversary: Contest Giveaways, Software Updates, and Key Stats

12 min readJun 28, 2024


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

bountyblok’s Two-Year Journey: Redefining Contest Giveaways

As we mark the second anniversary of bountyblok Contest Giveaways, we reflect on our journey from the WAX blockchain to Polygon, Hedera, and beyond. Over these two years, we’ve continuously enhanced our platform to ensure a seamless user experience across multiple blockchains.

In this blog, we detail our development and growth, highlighting significant monthly software updates driven by community feedback. Their input has been crucial in shaping our new code and features.

We also explore analytics showcasing our platform’s impact and reach. Join us in celebrating our milestones, overcoming challenges, and sharing the innovations defining the bountyblok Contests platform. Here’s to many more years of growth and rewarding experiences!

May 2024 Updates

  • Leaderboard across campaigns to view entries earned by wallets in all giveaways.
  • New TikTok action asking users to follow an account on TikTok.
  • New TikTok action asking users to watch a video on TikTok.
  • Various improvements related to UI/UX and performance.
New TikTok Tasks
TikTok Watch Video Task

Metrics — Period: April 16, 2024 — May 31, 2024

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 7 |
| Total Contests | 84 |
| Total Entries | 97,133 |
| Total X Follows | 24,292 |
| Total X Reposts | 6,784 |
| Total X Likes | 6,456 |
| Total X Posts | 3,263 |
| Total Discord Joins | 10,933 |

April 2024 Updates

  • WAX fraud prevention API integration: Extra security layer to prevent fradulent wallets from participating in contests:
  • New task type “add Token to CoinmarketCap Watchlist” to earn entries.
  • Optional feature to require entire contest completion so users can be eligible for draw.
  • Major change: Allow users to unlock more tasks when completing Hold Token Actions. The more tokens you hold, the more tasks you can unlock.
  • Launched Solana version of our contest tool specifically for WAX Team with Phantom and Solflare wallet support, including all popular social media and web3 actions like holding NFTs and FTs.

Metrics — Period: March 1, 2024 — April 15, 2024

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 9 |
| Total Contests | 58 |
| Total Entries | 64,126 |
| Total X Follows | 17,024 |
| Total X Reposts | 6,270 |
| Total X Likes | 5,856 |
| Total X Posts | 11,461 |
| Total Discord Joins | 10,025 |

Github reference:

February 2024 Updates

  • Updated WAXJS to latest version as per Lukas’ recommendation.
  • Creators can now enable Cloudflare security for their contests.
  • Version 1 of Proof of Personhood through Polygon ID via Komet.
  • Version 1 of Avail DA testnet integration through Madara on Karnot.
Cloudflare auto check
Toggle Cloudflare

Metrics — Period: January 15, 2024 — February 29, 2024

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 14 |
| Total Contests | 50 |
| Total Entries | 194,505 |
| Total X Follows | 34,003 |
| Total X Reposts | 19,334 |
| Total X Likes | 19,524 |
| Total new X Posts | 52,907 |
| Total Discord Joins | 7,549 |

Github reference:

January 2024 Updates

  • New Action: Allowing users to earn entries from multiple templates (HOLD several NFTs at once).
  • Added a new Max Entries limit check: Creators can add a max number of entries allowed in a contest.
  • Added functionality to handle contracts with multiple tokens in the “Hold FT” action.
  • You can now take a snapshot by points.
  • Allow creators to set up points by attributes.
  • New Page: Public leaderboard where collectors can go and check their points.
  • New action: “Submit proposal” allowing users to enter a short paragraph.
  • Added support to Ordinals via Phantom on WAX.
  • Fixed an issue with burn task when calculating entries.
  • Various improvements related to UI/UX and performance.

Metrics — Period: December 1, 2023 — January 14, 2024

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 9 |
| Total Contests | 73 |
| Total Entries | 260,612 |
| Total X Follows | 55,401 |
| Total X Reposts | 27,152 |
| Total X Likes | 22,874 |
| Total new X Posts | 66,438 |
| Total Discord Joins | 15,233 |

Github Reference:

November 2023 Updates

  • New Action: Hold Fungible token task, users must HOLD certain # of FT tokens to complete the action.
  • New Action: Add to calendar action, users will have to add an event to their calendar to earn entries.
  • Fixed a bug with actions drag and drop in contest tool.
  • Various improvements related to UX and performance.

Metrics — Period: October 15, 2023 — November 30, 2023

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded |11 |
| Total Contests | 80 |
| Total Entries | 104,747 |
| Total X Follows | 29,635 |
| Total X Reposts | 7,701 |
| Total X Likes | 7,161 |
| Total new X Posts | 6,669 |
| Total Discord Joins | 10,730 |

Github reference:

October 2023 Updates

  • Added multiplier for “HOLD NFT” tasks which means you get x number of entry points if you hold x number of times that specific NFT.
  • Added ability to have additional validation for collect info tasks, allowing creators to ask users to submit Instagram or TikTok posts.
  • Ability to have admin approval for collect info task before users can earn entries. These essentially allow users to submit Instagram Posts or TikTok Posts and require Admin approval upon review before obtaining the entry points.
  • Ability to hide leaderboard from view contest page.
Task Multiplier

Metrics — Period: September 1, 2023 — October 14, 2023

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 13 |
| Total Contests | 51 |
| Total Entries | 40,180 |
| Total X Follows | 8,518 |
| Total X Reposts | 4,607 |
| Total X Likes | 4,382 |
| Total X Posts | 3,112 |
| Total Discord Joins | 5,211 |

Github reference:

August 2023 Updates

  • Added max referral limit in refer a friend action.
  • Added custom label for upload creative task.
  • Added attribute filtering when fetching accounts by template id.
  • New Action: Create poll-like action asking users to predict an outcome. Entries will be rewarded for correct predictions.
  • New Action: Staking task to track and reward users who staked a certain amount of FTs to an account.
  • Admin approval ability for upload creative task. Creators can view and reward users who uploaded the relevant images.

Metrics — Period: July 15, 2023 — August 31, 2023

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 14 |
| Total Contests | 110 |
| Total Entries | 89,573 |
| Total X Follows | 26,413 |
| Total X Reposts | 10,226 |
| Total X Posts | 2,645 |
| Total Discord Joins | 10,802 |

Github reference:

July 2023 Updates

  • Ability to create custom labels for social tasks.
  • New Action: Refer a friend an earn entries, can be used along with the existing referral system or without it.
  • Fixed a UI bug with entries earned on leaderboard and details screen.
  • Atomic Ads integration on distribution tool.
  • Various improvements related to UX and performance.

Metrics — Period: June 1, 2023 — July 14, 2023

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 14 |
| Total Contests | 128 |
| Total Entries | 122,136 |
| Total X Follows | 45,760 |
| Total X Reposts | 9,319 |
| Total X Posts | 8,795 |
| Total Discord Joins | 12,806 |

Github reference:

May 2023 Updates

  • Projects can now select from a list of marketplaces to which their collection is listed for Hold NFT tasks.
  • Various bug fixes reported.
  • Working with Pinax Network and EOS Nation to add DeFi related tasks.

Metrics — Period: April 15, 2023 — May 31, 2023

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 14 |
| Total Contests | 109 |
| Total Entries | 99,295 |
| Total X Follows | 30,942 |
| Total X Reposts | 9,734 |
| Total X Posts | 5,264 |
| Total Discord Joins | 14,542 |

Github reference:

April 2023 Updates

  • New Action: Ask user to SUBSCRIBE to for their newsletter growth.
  • Updated WAX Cloud Wallet to latest version in all our tools.
  • New Action: ERC 721/1155 hold NFT task.
  • New Action: Ask user to STAR a GitHub repo and track for points.
  • Google Analytics 4 integration allowing creators to track user engagement on the contest. This allows projects to view their contest page analytics directly on GA and understand task behavior.
  • Issue fixed where Burn NFT task wasn’t working for large collections.
  • Various improvements related to UX and performance.

Metrics — Period: March 1, 2023 — April 14, 2023

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 14 |
| Total Contests | 98 |
| Total Entries | 165,785 |
| Total X Reposts | 16,708 |
| Total X Posts | 7,797 |
| Total Discord Joins | 28,975 |

Github reference:

February 2023 Updates

  • Added Twitter action asking users to LIKE a specified tweet.
  • Added Twitter action asking users to QUOTE RETWEET with a specific keyword/hashtag.
  • Added Twitter action asking users to UPLOAD PHOTO/VIDEO with keywords.
  • Mailchimp integration to get users to subscribe to a mailing list.
  • Reddit Action asking users to subscribe to a subreddit.
  • Ability to upload an animated gif as the contest image.
  • You can now delete contests from contest list page.
  • Issue fixed where users were getting a blank screen when completing discord actions.
  • Contest creator UX/UI enhancements: Short URL now visible on contest list page for active contest, fixed a bug with actions reordering, fixed a bug with terms & conditions not being saved properly.
  • Burn NFT action is now never-ending; users can keep earning entries as they burn more NFTs.
  • Contest creators can now blacklist wallets from the create screen.
  • Contest completion can now be made optional before earning referral entries.

Metrics — Period: January 15, 2023 — February 28, 2023

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 15 |
| Total Contests | 156 |
| Total Entries | 283,376 |
| Total X Reposts | 27,797 |
| Total X Posts | 7,906 |
| Total Discord Joins | 46,926 |

Github reference:

January 2023 Updates

  • Integrated with ChatGPT/OpenAPI (we are covering the API costs for now).
  • Ability to suggest marketing tweets based on a few keywords. This is a first step into this integration as we plan to expand further where end-users can share a tweet that is generated dynamically on demand for a unique viral marketing experience.
  • Right now using this integration allows projects to generate smart marketing Tweets.

Metrics — Period: December 1, 2022 — January 14, 2023

| --- | --- |
| Projects Onboarded | 14 |
| Total Contests | 95 |
| Total Entries | 253,023 |
| Total X Reposts | 19,697 |
| Total X Posts | 11,403 |

Github reference:

November 2022 Updates

  • Due to the demand, we added the ability to securely embed our giveaways onto WordPress/any 3rd party site.
  • We also added the ability to require additional authentication before even beginning your tasks. We added a new whitelist feature — only allow whitelisted wallets to perform the giveaway.

Metrics — Period: October 15, 2022 — November 30, 2022

| --- | --- |
| Total Contests | 78 |
| Total Entries | 221,038 |
| Total X Reposts | 12,435 |
| Total X Posts | 3,998 |

Github reference:

October 2022 Updates

  • AssetID checker for HoldNFT Actions.
  • Ability to burn assets directly from contest tool for Burn NFT actions.
  • New Action: Allow creators to collect email addresses, wallets of other chains, etc.
  • Honeycomb integration + action added to allow users to earn entries based on their Discord roles.
  • SendX integration + action added. Earn entries when subscribing to the mailing list.
  • Hubspot Action added. Earn entries on subscribing to the mailing list.
  • Added dropdown option for Question Action.
  • MAJOR UI/UX enhancements — We revamped the entire CSS/theme in the builder.

Metrics — Period: September 1, 2022 — October 14, 2022

| --- | --- |
| Total Contests | 61 |
| Total Entries | 164,035 |
| Total X Reposts | 9,123 |
| Total X Posts | 2,844 |

Github reference:

August 2022 Updates

  • Ability to create giveaway tasks related to your smart contract in order to encourage in-game activity. This lets you define unique in-app/in-game actions such as “Craft a legendary armor set, by combining 2 silver pieces” +10 entries.
  • Hold ANY NFT from Collection ABC +1 entry.
  • Hold 3+ NFTs from Collection ABC +5 entries.
  • Hold X NFT from a specific Collection, or Schema, or Template.
  • Burn 4 NFTs from Collection ABC +3 entries.
  • Ability to delete tasks while maintaining the entry counts without affecting the leaderboard or punishing participants.
  • Create multiple choice questionnaires.
  • Create questions with ONEWORD Answers (for treasure hunts, code redemptions).

Metrics — Period: July 15, 2022 — August 31, 2022

| --- | --- |
| Total Contests | 68 |
| Total Entries | 335,266 |
| Total X Reposts | 16,944 |

Github reference:

July 2022 Updates

  • Analytics/user management.
  • Typeform Action remove button added in contest creator.
  • Upload creative work Action added (used for tasks that require proof of completion).
  • Referral URL is now ONLY visible after completing all Actions. Added tooltip with explanation as well.
  • Hold NFTs tasks.
  • App download task added.
  • Bug fixes.

Metrics — Period: June 1, 2022 — July 14, 2022

| --- | --- |
| Total Contests | 49 |
| Total Entries | 418,192 |
| Total X Reposts | 30,504 |

Github reference:

May 2022 Updates

  • Multiple prizes and winners.
  • Twitch integration.
  • Custom Tweets.
  • WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Timezone contests.
  • Referral system improvements: limit how many referrals to allow per account, make referrals optional.
  • Mandatory tasks: example: complete this task before unlock the other tasks.
  • NFT tasks: must hold certain NFTs before even being able to complete social tasks and a bunch more.

Github reference:

May 2022 Live announcement:

Photo by weston m on Unsplash


Our journey over the past two years has been both challenging and rewarding. From expanding our platform to new blockchains to integrating innovative features based on user feedback, we’ve consistently strived to improve the bountyblok experience. The impressive metrics we’ve achieved reflect the dedication and engagement of our community, to whom we owe our continued success.

As we look to the future, we recognize that Web3 is still in its infancy. We’re just getting started, and we’re excited to ride the wave of innovation and growth that lies ahead. Marketing and user engagement will continue to be pivotal in our strategy, ensuring we reach and resonate with our audience effectively.

We remain committed to evolving and enhancing our platform, driven by the invaluable input from our users. Here’s to many more milestones, innovations, and years of growth. Thank you for being an integral part of the bountyblok community! ❤

To find out how you can easily and quickly incorporate bountyblok into your project, we’d love to hear from you:

Website | Telegram | Twitter | Email




Written by bountyblok

Gamification on the Blockchain

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